integrated environmental solutions

Project Dedicated Solutions

Erosion Control Blankets (E.C.B.)

Unique soil cover…

Erosion Control Blankets provide immediate soil surface stabilisation and protection from raindrop impact and surface erosion while vegetation establishes. They increase infiltration, decrease compaction and soil crusting, and conserve soil moisture.

Erosion Control Blankets are also referred to as:

  • Biojute
  • Slopesaver
  • Soilsaver
  • Protective blankets
  • Seed protection blankets
  • Soil stabilisation mats
  • Reinforcement mats
Erosion Control Cylinders

Erosion Control Cylinders (E.C.C.)

Versatile erosion control…

Erosion Control Cylinders or ‘Soil Sausages’ are compost-filled tubes that have proven to be an effective solution for erosion control, while facilitating new vegetation growth for a permanent run-off protection solution.

The cylinders, once installed, will act as immediate silt barriers and will prevent / reduce water erosion whilst the vegetation establishes.


Dust, Sediment & Erosion Control Agents

Adding the necessities…

We provide effective dust suppressants and soil binders to ensure lasting soil and slope stabilisation, dust & sediment control.

Soil binders are typically applied to disturbed areas to prevent wind and water erosion and are also used in the hydroseeding slurry. The soil binder, being a water-soluble polymer increases the thickness of the slurry and binds the seed and the mulch together. This ensures better water penetration and more effective seed germination due to its anti-erosion properties.

Dust control (dust suppression) is the suppression and stabilisation of airborne dust particles brought on by development activities and heavy traffic on dirt roads. Polymer-based emulsions binds the soil and prevents dust particles from becoming airborne.

Dust, Sediment & Erosion Control Agents

Seed & Plant Supply

Diverse ecological solutions…

Due to growing demand we supply a variety of commercially cultivated and non-cultivated commercial seed and site specific indigenous / endemic harvested seed. Reflecting the growing global ecological awareness to safeguard our natural resources.

A diverse selection of seed and plants are available in:

  • Reclamation seed mixtures
  • Site / project specific seed mixtures
  • Agricultural seed & pasture seed mixtures
  • Turf grasses
  • Plant seeds
  • Plants
    • Plug trays
    • Plant bags

Sustainable Ecological Rehabilitation

The concept of sustainable ecological rehabilitation essentially received the necessary attention during the mid-1970’s, mostly on road projects, progressing to mine dumps. It has developed into the norm for civil engineering, mining and other environmental projects that cause ecological disturbance in South Africa, the Sub-Continent and further afield.


Vetiver Grass

Specialised erosion control measure…

Vetiver Grass is a specialised solution for erosion control, soil stabilisation, storm water mitigation and pollution control. Unlike most grasses, Vetiver roots grow vertically in close-growing culms which stabilise the soil.

This also makes Vetiver an excellent vegetation hedge for river embankments, canals, terraces, and for steep cut and fill slopes.

Vetiver propagates itself by small off-sets instead of underground stolons and can be controlled by cultivation of the soil at the boundary of the hedge.


  • Climate: Temperature tolerance ranges from -15°C to hot summer months for rapid growth
  • Rainfall: 300mm to high rainfall areas, will survive total drought, but normally requires a wet season of at least three months. Vetiver will survive completely submerged in water for up to three months
  • Humidity: Can survive low humidity areas, but grows better under humid conditions
  • Altitude: From sea level up to 3000 m
  • Sunshine: Poor survival and growth under complete shade
  • Soil: Grows in most soil types, but grows best in deep sandy soils. It is tolerant to high levels of mineral toxicity and has a wide pH range, both acid (pH3) and alkali (pH11)
Wind Breaks & Silt Fences

Wind Breaks & Silt Fences

Shielding the essentials…

Wind breaks are primarily used to control soil erosion and conserve soil and plant moisture by lowering evaporation rates.

Silt fences are temporary sediment control devices used on construction sites to protect water quality in nearby streams, rivers and dams from sediment in storm water run-off.



Instant cover…

An alternative vegetation cover is to install instant grass sods that is either professionally grown, harvested turf or site specifically (locally) harvested veld sods.

Sodding applications:

  • Full-sodding
  • Strip-sodding
  • Grass cuttings, grass runners or sprigging

Grass Sod Varieties:

  • Pennisetum clandestinum (Kikuyu)
  • Cynodon dactylon (Kweek/Couch grass)
  • Dactyloctenium australe (Berea/LM hrass = grass)
  • Stenotaphrum secundatum (Buffalo turf grass)
  • Cynodon variety (Gulf green)
  • Cynodon variety (Bayview)
  • All Seasons evergreen (Fescue/Rye blend)
  • Shade-over (Fescue/Rye blend)
  • Veld sods (Indigenous / Endemic)
Soil Ameliorants & Compost

Soil Ameliorants & Compost

Enriching the soil…

A good soil assessment is a critical component for any successful soil analysis in order to ensure appropriate soil amelioration. The soil condition will ultimately determine vegetation sustainability.

The best approach is to understand what you already have in place and focus on improving and / maintaining soil conditions. Selecting endemic / indigenous species for your site, combined with a focus on improving your soil, will result in low maintenance and successful vegetation cover.

We offer a wide range of products which include the following:

  • Compost
  • Topsoil supplements
  • Engineered supplement
  • Fertilisers
  • Water retention agents
Soil Ameliorants & Compost